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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

June 2020 Windows 10 Update not Compatible with TinyTERM 4.9.0

Thursday, June 11th, 2020

Windows 10 receives regular updates from Micrsoft. The update released in June 2020 causes TinyTERM version 4.9.0 to stop working, instead giving the message, Error (1805) Could Not Locate System Script Language Module. The only way to fix this is to roll back the update.

Command-Line Option -a1 Fails with OLE Active

Friday, December 13th, 2013

The -a1 command line switch starts TinyTERM and connects it to a specific address. It operates in part by launching TinyTERM to create a temporary connection file, then closing that instance of TinyTERM and launching a second instance to connect using the file created.

This feature was designed to be used with OLE embedding inside Internet Explorer, which would take the place of the connecting instance of TinyTERM. When used at the command line, this can cause the -a1 argument to fail with the message:

Error (4507)

Wrong number of arguments passed to function CreateTAP

When this happens, the following steps will fix the problem:

  1. Open TinyTERM by itself, no command-line arguments
  2. From the Options menu, select Global Preferences
  3. Go to the OLE Settings tab
  4. Select the option Display as stand alone helper application
  5. Click Apply, then OK
  6. Save the settings and exit TinyTERM

After this, launching TinyTERM with the -a1 option will work as desired.

GSSAPI Support

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Century Software, inc., has had a request to add GSSAPI support to TinyTERM Plus. This has not yet been implemented.

CR 880

Century FTP Has No Documentation

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

There is no documentation available for the Century FTP graphical file transfer client. The Help menu only offers an about option.

CR 879

Article Not Found

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

We’re sorry. We don’t seem to have a Knowledge Base entry for that error. Please contact our Support department at 801-268-3088 x5 or They can help you with this issue.

Welcome to the Century Software, Inc., Support Knowledge Base

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

Thank you for coming to our Knowledge Base page. Here we provide support for older products, those we don’t officially support through telephone or email. You’ll also find support here for our newest products as well.

The Knowledge Base is set up in blog format. You can use the Search box to enter a specific term, or click a category in the list on the left to see all topics in that area.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please post your question as a comment in a similar topic. (You will need to register to post comments.) A support representative will answer in the comments within one business day.

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