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Capturing a Session to a File

An entire host session or part of one can be saved to a file through TinyTERM’s data capture function. To set that up, open TinyTERM’s Settings or Session Properties and go to the Data Capture tab. Enter a path and file name, or accept the default.

The default file name is capt#.fil. The # will be replaced by a number when you start data capture, beginning with 00. This will create the file capt00.fil in the TinyTERM directory. If capt00.fil already exists, capt01.fil will be created, and so on up to capt99.fil. You can use the # sign in your own data capture file names as well.

To turn data capture on, go to TinyTERM’s Tools menu and select Capture File. This starts the capture process, represented by a butterfly net on the status bar at the bottom of the TinyTERM window. Go to the same menu option to turn data capture off.

The Capture device line allows you to select a file (the default option), a system device like LPT1, or the Windows print manager. If you choose PRINTMNGR, data will be captured to the default Windows printer.

Capture mode should generally be set to ASCII. The other mode options capture non-printable characters as special information, and are usually reserved for troubleshooting display issues.

Capture file creation describes what to do when the file name chosen already exists. If Append is chosen, the new data will be added at the end of the existing file. Overwrite causes the original file to be replaced with the new data. If you used the # sign in your file name, a new file will be created regardless of this setting, unless all files numbered 00 through 99 already exist.

The Flush receive buffer on capture off option makes sure everything captured gets written to the file when you stop data capture. Otherwise, the data will be written at the best available moment, or when TinyTERM is closed.

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