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Archive for the 'VT220' Category

Double-Height Characters Drawn in Wrong Position

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

When using VT-series emulations on the new iPad (3rd or 4th generation) double-height characters are drawn in the wrong position. This does not affect the original iPad, iPad 2, iPhone or iPod Touch.

CR 1098

National Replacement Character Set for Mac

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

TinyTERM ITX for Mac does not currently allow the user to change the National Replacement Character Set in VT-series emulations. This functionality is available in TinyTERM for Windows. Century Software, Inc., has had a request to extend NRCS support to the Mac.

CR 1031

VT220 Ignores Reverse Sequence

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

The sequence to set reverse video in VT220 is:


TT ignores this in any permutation, leaving the display in normal format.

CR 868

VT220 Only Scrolls One Line of Child Windows

Friday, April 27th, 2007

In TinyTERM 4.x using VT220 emulation, when the host application opens a sub- or “child” window, it does not scroll correctly. Only the last line of the child window scrolls.

CR 502

132 Columns Wrap at 80

Friday, April 27th, 2007

This was reported only in TinyTERM 4.21 using Optum 9000 Blackboard, a debit-card reader and accounting package. Reports that should have displayed in 132 columns wrapped at 80 columns instead. According to the application documentation, any VT-series emulation should work.

CR 468, not duplicated

Can Only Transparent Print if Bypassing Driver

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

If the terminal emulation in TinyTERM is set to any emulation that uses \033[5i as the transparent print on code — SCOANSI, ANSI, VT220, etc. — printing to the Windows printer produces no output. If you check Bypass Printer Drivers, then it works, provided the printer allows it. This only affects TinyTERM 4.42.

CR 720, fixed in TinyTERM 4.43


Monday, April 23rd, 2007

In TinyTERM’s Session Properties, click the Setup button next to the Emulation line. In the “VT Emulations” section, look at the drop-down list under National Replacement Character Set. One of the options is CANDIAN. It should read CANADIAN, of course.

CR 715, fixed in TinyTERM 4.43

Header Text Scrolls in VT220

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

This particular situation started with an application that kept a “header line” on the user’s screen. The header was supposed to stay in place while the bottom part of the screen scrolled.

In TinyTERM, the header scrolled also. When they scrolled back up, the header never reappeared, but otherwise display did stop at the correct point.

CR 537, fixed in TinyTERM 4.31

Problems with VT Emulations in vi

Friday, April 20th, 2007

Open a reasonable-size file in vi, one that has more than a couple screens of information. Move partway through, then put the cursor in the middle of the screen. Type “dd” or Shift-J to delete a line. You get a Dr. Watson in tt.exe, stack overflow error.

If the file doesn’t take up a full screen of emulation, you won’t get a Dr. Watson error. However, the entire screen will scroll deleting a single line.

If you don’t delete lines, but just scroll down through the file, you can’t scroll back up. And the status line scrolls with the file text as well.

This affects all VT-series emulations. The scrolling problem affects the Linux emulation as well.

CR 458, Dr. Watson
CR 459, scrolling
both fixed in TinyTERM 4.31

VT220 and VT320 Special Characters Wrong

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

Two of the special graphics characters for VT220 and VT320 emulations are wrong in TinyTERM 4.00-4.20. The zero 0 shows as a degree sign, a small O superscripted. Capital P shows as a D with a horizontal dash through the vertical bar. The code page responsible for this was corrected in TinyTERM 4.21.

CR 268

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