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Archive for the 'Telnet' Category

TinyTERM 4.05 Telnet Fails

Monday, April 16th, 2007

Using the telnet connection type, TinyTERM 4.0x may fail to connect. Older versions of TinyTERM work, as does Windows telnet. Switching between the hostname and IP address makes no difference. TinyTERM just seems to hang.

This happens when the host sends a signal that puts TinyTERM into binary mode. Binary mode is typically only used by TN3270 and TN5250 emulations. It can cause problems for other terminal emulations.

CR 65, fixed in TinyTERM 4.10

Cleaning Up Extra IP Addresses

Friday, April 13th, 2007

TinyTERM and TERM for Windows can store multiple IP addresses and telephone numbers in a single configuration file. If you want to clean the list out, so it only shows one address or phone number, close TinyTERM. Open the .tap or .tpx file you’re using, such as default.tpx, in any text editor. Notepad or Wordpad will work.

Search for the line that starts “node=”. Delete everything after the equals sign =. Save the file and exit.

If there is one host address or phone number you want to save, make it the only entry after the =. Either way, the changes you made will take effect the next time you start TinyTERM.

Multiple Addresses in One Connection File

Tuesday, April 10th, 2007

In TinyTERM version 4.x for Windows, you can have multiple IP addresses or telephone numbers in one .tpx file. For each phone number or address you want to use, open the Session Properties and enter it in the “Host name, IP address or phone number” line. Click OK, then save the session. Repeat this until you have entered them all. Make sure “Establish connection on open” is not checked.

To choose from the listed numbers, open the Session Properties. The “Host name, IP address or phone number” line will be a drop-down list, showing your multiple addresses and phone numbers. Select the one you want, then click OK. Connect as usual.

TinyTERM 4.04, TN3270 and Firewall

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

Using TinyTERM Plus Edition 4.04, how do you connect through a telnet firewall to an IBM host with TN5250 or TN3270 terminal emulation?

Configure a sessions using the TTY terminal type and a telnet connection to connect to the firewall as follows:

  • Connection host: firewall name or IP address
  • Connection Type: telnet
  • Terminal Emulation: TTY
  • Telnet Terminal Type: (depends on IBM emulation required)
    • 3270
      • IBM-3278-2
      • IBM-3278-3
      • IBM-3278-4
      • IBM-3278-5
    • 5250
      • IBM-3179-2
      • IBM3477-FC
  • Save the session.
  • Telnet to the firewall using this configuration. When the firewall prompts for the host, enter the hostname or IP address of the destination host.
  • Depending on your firewall, you may have to hit the Enter key once to display the initial host screen.

NOTE 1: TinyTERM senses telnet binary mode to know when to switch emulations from TTY to one of the IBM emulations. The IBM terminal emulation desired is specified by the Telnet Terminal Type configuration.

NOTE 2: To preserve the initial firewall connection configuration do not save the session after the IBM host connection is made. TinyTERM changes your session properties when the IBM connection is made.

Telnetd: All Network Ports in Use

Friday, March 30th, 2007

This error does not come from the terminal emulator. Instead, it comes from the server. It means all the available TCP ports are in use. It may also point to a network problem on the host system. Contact support for the host system for more information.

TCP Ports

Wednesday, March 21st, 2007

Any network connection requires a TCP port be open and available on the server. There is an excellent list of common TCP ports at

If you are using a non-standard port in TERM, you can specify the correct port by adding to the address, after a colon. For example:

term -l telnet:

will cause TERM to use telnet to connect to port 1023, rather than using the default port of 23. TinyTERM for DOS can also be configured this way.

In TinyTERM for Windows, you will need to go into the advanced setup for the telnet, SSH or SSL/TLS protocol. That dialog box will include a port number that can be edited.

At this writing, no file transfer protocol has this capability. This includes FTP in the emulator, as well as the protocols available in the Century FTP Client or SecureFT. The NFS client and server likewise cannot be changed.

CR 235, Century FTP Client
CR 620, FTP in emulator
CR 828, SecureFT

Making TinyTERM the Helper Application for Telnet

Friday, March 16th, 2007

When you click on a telnet link in a browser, TinyTERM should open and make the connection. If another application opens, you can restore TinyTERM as the helper application with these steps:

  1. Open My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Folder Options.
  3. On the File Types tab, locate the “URL:Telnet Protocol” item in the N/A portion of the list and click it to highlight.
  4. Click the Advanced button.
  5. Click the word “open” in the list to highlight it, then click the Edit button.
  6. Under “Application used to perform action,” enter this string:

    “C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\tt.exe” /helperapp:%1

  7. Click OK several times, until the Folder Options is closed.

VT220-7 and VT320-7 Report Unknown Terminal Type

Friday, March 9th, 2007

Telnet and SSH servers can automatically detect the terminal type at connection. However, most systems don’t have separate definitions for VT220-7 or VT320-7 emulations. You can correct that with the Telnet terminal type option. Set it to VT220 or VT320 as appropriate, and the host system will recognize the emulation.

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