Commercial Communications Software

Most commercial software combines features such as terminal emulation with file transfer capability. Some include scripting languages for automating your communication needs. Procomm Plus, Blast Professional, the TERM Emulator and the TinyTERM Emulator are examples of packages combining these features. Some packages, such as Blast, the TERM Emulator or the TinyTERM Emulator, support a proprietary transfer protocol in addition to many public-domain protocols. Generally, these proprietary protocols are faster. Other packages, such as Procomm Plus, support only public-domain protocols. These packages add an easier-to-use interface to public-domain protocols. On the downside, commercial software can cost hundreds of dollars more, depending on the operating system.

When selecting a commercial software package, keep in mind your needs on both sides of the connection. Many communication packages support DOS and Windows only, while a lesser number support DOS, Windows, Macintosh, UNIX and other platforms. If you have a variety of platforms and you desire consistency, your choice of software will be limited to a few packages.

In addition, some commercial packages support FTP and provide powerful interfaces to its features. If your needs combine serial and network communications, it makes sense to find a package which supports both so you can maintain consistency for your users. It is inefficient and confusing to use one package for serial communications and another for network communications.