TERM Script to CScript

Translation Guide



1 Overview


Beginning with the 4.05 version of the TinyTERM emulator, Century Software has added backward compatibility with previous versions of the TERM emulator's scripting language. Although version 4.05 does not provide full backward compatibility, you will find that the most commonly used TERM Script language commands now work in the TinyTERM emulator product.


2 Running TERM Scripts in the TinyTERM Emulator


To run TERM Script language scripts, the TinyTERM emulator first translates the TERM Script language script to CScript. See section 3, "TERM Script to CScript Translation Table," for a complete list of CScript commands and functions generated by the TERM Script translator. If the translator can translate the TERM Script commands without any errors, then the TinyTERM emulator automatically runs the translated script.


2.1 Executing TERM Language Scripts


You can execute TERM Script language scripts from within the Script Editor dialog box or with the Execute Script File command on the Tools menu or the ribbon bar.


1.   Choose Script Editor from the Tools menu.

2.   Click Open, and choose the TERM Script language script (usually a .cmd file) you want to execute.

3.   Click Run.


– or –


1.   Click the Execute Script button on the ribbon bar, or choose Execute Script File from the Tools menu.

2.   From the dialog box, choose the script you want to execute and click OK.


You can also set session properties in the TinyTERM emulator's user interface to execute TERM Script language scripts post-startup, post–session start, post-connect, post-login, pre-logout, pre-disconnect, pre–session close, and pre–appllication exit.



2.2 Translation Errors


Supported TSL commands will translate and run without modification. TSL scripts that do not execute will generally have one of these problems:


·        Uses commands not supported in the current version of the TinyTERM emulator

·        Contains syntax errors

·        Uses macro expansion that the translator cannot handle



2.3 Unsupported TERM Script Language Features


This version of the TinyTERM emulation does not support the following TSL features:


·        Dynamic macro expansion. Where possible, the translator will make the proper substitutions for macro expansion, but in many cases, the translator will not be able to determine how a macro will be used during runtime and cannot translate TSL macros

·        Any command not displayed in bold in the translation table (see section 3)



2.4 Translation Tips


2.4.1 Script Debugging


The TSL to CScript translator was designed to translate working TSL scripts, not for debugging new, untested TSL scripts. This assumes that the TSL script works and does not contain syntax errors.


2.4.2 Macro Expansion


All macro expansions must be followed by a digit 0-9 or the '(' character: An error message allows all expressions to be converted when disallowed.


     $1                  OK

     $2                  OK

     $(expr)             OK

     $(toupper(g))      OK

     file$(opts)        OK

     x$(y)z              OK

     $expr               disallowed: use $(expr)


Currently, all macro expanded keywords cannot have a space or comma in the macro expanded source line. A workaround is to place the expression into a new variable in a setvar statement, then execute the command with the single new variable $(new).  This also applies to macro expanded keynames.


     parity none                  OK

     parity $(n)                  OK

     parity $(n )                 disallowed

     parity $(toupper(x)+" ")     disallowed

     parity $(fconcat(a,b,c))     disallowed: workaround

                                   setvar x fconcat(a,b,c)

                                   parity $(x)

     setkey $(k) "test"      OK


Macro expanded keywords are error checked only when they don't contain a '$' character. Otherwise, they are passed as variables, not literals.


Filenames can be macro expanded, along with filename options included in () characters, like (c). However, long ascii options, like append, cannot be macro expanded. A workaround is to always use () options instead of long ascii options.  The following table shows the equivalences:


     append         (a)

     overwrite      (o)

     binary         (b)

     flush          (f)

     mnemonic       (m)


Currently, DO argument lists cannot have any spaces in them unless the " or ' characters are used.  Macro expansion CAN occur inside the quoted string, but the same " or ' character cannot be used.


     capture disk file                 OK

     capture disk file(o)              OK

     capture disk file overwrite       OK

     capture disk $(file)              OK

     capture disk $(file)(o)           OK

     capture disk $(file) overwrite    OK

     capture disk $(file)$(opts)       OK

     capture disk $(file) $(opts)      ERROR


Keynames can now be quoted strings for all keynames, including original non-quoted strings. Thus f1 and "f1" are now identical. This allows for macro expansion easily.  Keynames can now also be numeric. Macro expanded keynames must be either string or numeric. If numeric, they are the value of the key, from 1-450. If string, they can be the either unquoted for quoted keynames, or if control characters, a quoted string:


     setkey f1 menu           OK

     setkey "^A" menu        OK

     setkey "f1" menu        OK

     setkey 1 menu           OK

     setkey 256 menu         OK


The macro expanded value must have the explicit quotes in it for control characters, and optionally can for keynames. Thus the following:


     setvar x "^A"

     setkey $(x) menu   WILL ERROR with TSL


     setvar x "f1"

     setkey $(x) menu   OK


     setvar x '"^A"'

     setkey $(x) menu   OK


     setvar x '"f1"'

     setkey $(x) menu   OK   (NEW)


Because of this, it is recommended that all key values be double quoted before being macro expanded.  An alternative is to set a variable to the numeric value of the key from keyid() prior to the macro expansion:


     setvar x keyid("f1")

     setkey $(x) menu


2.4.3 File Handling


In the TERM emulator, TSL opened files in binary mode. At this time, the TSL scripts translated by the TinyTERM emulator opens files in ASCII mode, which causes file I/O to behave somewhat differently than before. As a workaround, you can open the files using the "RB" or "UB" flags to open files in read-only binary or overwrite binary modes.


Also, the FREAD command appends a NULL character to the end of strings. The FREADLN command also appends NULL characters, but only when you set iByte to a positive value. These extra NULL characters can cause problems while comparing strings. To work around this problem, you can use the following code:


SETVAR strbuf LEFT(strbuf, LEN(strbuf) - 1)




3 TERM Script to CScirpt

Translation Table


To run TERM Script language commands, the TinyTERM emulator must first translate the TERM Script language commands into CScript commands. Most of these commands are part of a compatibility library. (In fact, a future release of CScript might require that you load a TSL compatibility library before using these commands.)


The following lists show all the TSL commands and functions that the translator will correctly handle. The TinyTERM emulator, version 4.05, only supports those commands and functions listed in bold text.


3.1 Configuration Settings


CAPTURE keyword filename                  tsl_capture( str, file )

keyword = none, disk, device, prtmgr, file, spool, terminal, on, off, close

filename may be immediately appended by (a), (o), (f), (b), or  (m)


CDELAY ilit                                                   tsl_cdelay( n )


COLOR keyword fcol, bcol                          tsl_color( str, str-fg, str-bg )

keyword = default, reverse, blink, underline, bold, dim

fcol = default, black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, white

bcol = default, black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, white, ltgrey, ltblue, ltgreen, ltcyan, ltred, ltmagenta, yellow, ltwhite


COLOR NUMBER ivar                                 tsl_color_number( n )


COMBASE ivar, ivar, ivar                           tsl_combase( n, n, n )


DANSOFF svar                                            tsl_dansoff( str )


DAUTOANS svar                                          tsl_dautoans( str )


DCONNECT svar                                         tsl_dconnect( str )


DESCAPE svar                                            tsl_descape( str )


DHANGUP svar                                            tsl_dhangup( str )


DINIT svar                                                      tsl_dinit( str )


DOFFHOOK svar                                         tsl_doffhook( str )


DOKSTR svar                                               tsl_dokstr( str )


DPREFIX svar                                              tsl_dprefix( str )


DRINGSTR svar                                            tsl_dringstr( str )


DSUFFIX svar                                               tsl_dsuffix( str )


DTIMEOUT ilit                                               tsl_dtimeout( n )


DDE ENABLE                                              tsl_dde_enable( )


DDE DISABLE                                             tsl_dde_disable( )


DDE NAME svar                                          tsl_dde_name( str )


DDE TIMEOUT ivar                                      tsl_dde_timeout( n )


DEVPREFIX svar                                         tsl_devprefix( str )


EDITOR filename                                         tsl_editor( file )


EMAILADDR svar                                        tsl_emailaddr( str )


EMAILsubj svar                                             tsl_emailsubj( str )


EXTGEN svar                                               tsl_extgen( str )


EXTXFER svar                                             tsl_extxfer( str )


FILLCHAR chlit                                             tsl_fillchar( n )


FLAGS svar                                                   tsl_flags( str )

FONT svar [, ivar [, ivar ] ]                            tsl_font( str, nh, nw )


FTPHOST svar, svar, svar                       tsl_ftphost( strhost, struser, strpass )


HIWAIT ilit                                                      tsl_hiwait( n )


HTIME ilit                                                       tsl_htime( n )


ITIME ilit                                                         tsl_itime( n )


JUMPSCROLL ilit                                        tsl_jumpscroll( n )


KEYBOARD keyword                                   tsl_keyboard( str )

keyword = bios, extbios, int9, int9n


LCHAR                                                           tsl_lchar( n )


LDELAY ilit                                                   tsl_ldelay( n )


LOCKTIME ilit                                               tsl_locktime( n )


LOCKFILE filename                                    tsl_lockfile( file )


LOGFILE filename[(o)]                              tsl_logfile( file )


LOGFILE CLOSE                                        tsl_logfile_close( n )


MIMEENCODE filename, filename           tsl_memeencode( str, str )


MIMEDECODE dvar, filename                  tsl_memedecode( str, str )


MODEM filename                                        tsl_modem( file )


MODEM HAYES                                           tsl_modem( "hayes" )


NETDIALOG svar                                         tsl_netdialog( str )


NETNAME svar                                            tsl_netname( str )


NETPORT ilit                                               tsl_netport( n )


NETSTIME ilit                                                tsl_netstime( n )


NETTERM svar                                           tsl_netterm( str )


NETVTNAME svar                                      tsl_netvtname( str )


NETWORK svar                                          tsl_network( str )


PAGES ivar                                                  tsl_pages( n )


PRINTER keyword [filename]                 tsl_printer( str, file )

keyword = none, disk, device, prtmgr, spool, terminal, on, off, capture, close


PROTOCOL keyword                                   tsl_protocol( str )

keyword = xon, rts, etx, none


PROTOCOL QUIET keyword                      tsl_protocol_quiet( str )

keyword = on, off


PROTOCOL DCD keyword                         tsl_protocol_dcd( str)

keyword = on, off


REDIAL ilit                                                     tsl_redial( n )


RESTART ilit                                                 tsl_restart( n )


RETRIES ilit                                                   tsl_retries( n )


RTIME ilit                                                        tsl_rtime( n )


SCROLLBACK ivar                                    tsl_scrollback( str )


SET ABORT keyword                                   tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ADDCR keyword                                  tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ADDEOF keyword                               tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ADDLF keyword                                   tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ALTCHK keyword                                tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ALTKEYS keyword                              tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET BLOCKMODE keyword                      tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET COMPRESS keyword                         tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET CONSXON keyword                            tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET CONTROL keyword                             tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET DDTR keyword                                     tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET DESTBS keyword                                tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET DIMDIM keyword                                  tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET DLGUNITS keyword                             tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET DTR keyword                                        tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ECHO keyword                                     tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET EMAILDEL keyword                            tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET EOFOPEN keyword                             tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ERROR keyword                                  tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ERRORBOX keyword                          tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ESC8BIT keyword                                tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET ESCCTL keyword                                tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET EXITDISC keyword                              tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET EXITDTR keyword                                tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET EXPLODE keyword                             tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET EXTEND keyword                                tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET FILECONV keyword                            tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET KERMECHO keyword                         tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET LOG keyword                                        tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET MASKPAR keyword                            tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET NOSCROLL keyword                          tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET REVDIM keyword                                 tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET SCALING keyword                               tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET SOUND keyword                                  tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET TABEX keyword                                   tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET TOUPPER keyword                             tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET RTS keyword                                        tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET VIEW keyword                                      tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET XFERSTAT keyword                        tsl_set( int, str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SETKEY keyname keyword                        tsl_setkey_cmd( n, str )

keyname = menu, help, gold, shell, capture,  print, compose, break, abort, scrlineup, scrlinedn, scrpageup, scrpagedn, scrright, scrleft, scanmode, nextsess, setup, exit, hotkey


SETKEY keyname str                                  tsl_setkey_macro( n, str )


SETKEY RESET ivar                                   tsl_setkey_reset( n )


STIME ilit                                                       tsl_stime( n )


TERMID svar                                               tsl_termid( str )


TDELAY ilit                                                   tsl_tdelay( n )


TOOLTIPS ivar                                              tsl_tooltip( n )


TRANS keyword [svar, svar]                        tsl_trans( str, str, str )

keyword = input, output, display


TRANS RESET                                             tsl_trans_reset( )


VIDBLINK keyword                                       tsl_vidblink( str )

keyword = nobios, bios


VIDCARD CUSTOM, ax, bx                        tsl_vidcard_custom( nax, nbx )


VIDCARD keyword                                       tsl_vidcard( str )

keyword = none, graphics, ahead, ati1, ati2, everex, paradise, tecmar, tsent, video7


VIDOUT keyword                                          tsl_vidout( str )

keyword = ram, snow, int10, bios, graphics


VIDUNDER keyword                                    tsl_vidunder( str )

keyword = none, font, port


WILDSIZE ilit                                                 tsl_wildsize( n )


WRUCHAR chlit                                          tsl_wruchar( n )


XONXOFF ivar, ivar                                     tsl_xonxoff( n, n )



3.2 Current Connection Configuration Settings


AUTOCMD svar                                          tsl_autocmd( str )


BAUD word                                                  tsl_baud( str )


CHARSET keyword                                   tsl_charset( str )

keyword = american, british, dutch, finnish, french, canadian, german, italian, danish, norwegian, portuguese, swedish, swiss


EMULATE keyword                                   tsl_emulate( str )

keyword = vt320, vt320-7, vt220, vt220-7, vt100, vt102, vt52, ansi, at385, scoansi, wyse60, wyse60-25, wyse-50, tv950, tv925, tv912, adm1, imb3101, tty


LOGIN                                                            tsl_do_login( )


LOGIN svar                                                  tsl_login( str )


LOGOUT                                                       tsl_do_logout( )


LOGOUT svar                                               tsl_logout( str )


MODE keyword                                           tsl_mode( str )

keyword = full, half, dump, mnemonic, control


NODE svar                                                   tsl_node( str )


PARITY keyword                                        tsl_parity( str )

keyword = none, odd, even, space, mark


PASSWORD svar                                       tsl_password( str )


PORT svar                                                     tsl_port( str )


REMARK eolstring                                     tsl_remark( str )


SET BSDEL keyword                                tsl_set_bsdel( str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


SET WRAP keyword                                  tsl_set_wrap( str )

keyword = on, off, 1, 0


STARTSERVER                                           tsl_do_startserver( )


STARTSERVER svar                                  tsl_startserver( str )


STOPSERVER                                             tsl_do_stopserver( )


STOPSERVER svar                                    tsl_stopserver( str )


STOPBITS ilit                                               tsl_stopbits( n )


USER svar                                                   tsl_user( str )


WORDLEN ilit                                              tsl_wordlen( n )


WRU svar                                                     tsl_wru( str )


XPROT keyword                                         tsl_xprot( str )

keyword = termcrc, wtermcrc, xmodemcrc, kermit, compsrvb, xmodem, ymodem, zmodem, ftp, ascii, line, external


3.3 User Interface Commands


AT ivar, ivar                                                   tsl_at_clreol( ny, nx )


AT ivar, ivar svar                                           tsl_atobjinit( )

                                                                        tsl_atobjdone( nid, ntype, nx, ny, nw, nh,

                                                                           str, nflags, nint1, nint2, echoch, varstr)


AT ivar,ivar [ID #] [TABSTOP] BUTTON svar, retval, [keyname]

                                                                        tsl_atobjinit( )

                                                                        tsl_atobjdone( nid, ntype, nx, ny, nw, nh,

                                                                           str, nflags, nint1, nint2, echoch, varstr)


AT ivar,ivar [ID #] [TABSTOP] keyword [ivar[ ,ivar[ ,ivar[ ,svar]]]]

                                                                        tsl_atobjinit( )                        

                                                                        tsl_atobjdone( nid, ntype, nx, ny, nw, nh,

                                                                           str, nflags, nint1, nint2, echoch,varstr)

keyword = text, box, icon, picture, meter, edit, checkbox, radio, keyin


AT ivar,ivar [ID #][TABSTOP] GET var keyword [ivar[ ,ivar[ ,ivar[ ,svar]]]]

          LIST svar [,svar]...

                                                                        tsl_atobjinit( )                        

                                                                        tsl_atobjaddlist( svar)

                                                                        tsl_atobjaddlist( svar)...

                                                                        tsl_atobjdone( nid, ntype, nx, ny, nw, nh,

                                                                           str, nflags, nint1, nint2, echoch, varstr)


AT ivar,ivar [ID #] [TABSTOP] GET var keyword [ivar[ ,ivar[ ,ivar[ ,svar]]]]

          ARRAY svar

                                                                        tsl_atobjinit( )                        

                                                                        tsl_atobjaddarray( var)

                                                                        tsl_atobjdone( nid, ntype, nx, ny, nw, nh,

                                                                           str, nflags, nint1, nint2, echoch, varstr)

keyword = popup, elist, listbox


AT ivar,ivar [ID #] [TABSTOP] GET var

          CLASS keyward, [ivar[ ,ivar[ ,ivar[ ,svar]]]]


{cenEditBox, cenIconList, cenIcon, cenPicture, cenFontList}


AT CLEAR                                                     tsl_at_clear( );


AT READ [SAVE keyname] [CALLBACK procstring] [NOWAIT]

                                                                        tsl_at_read( nflags, str, key )



AT SAVE ivar                                                tsl_at_save( n )


ATTR keyword                                               tsl_attr( str )

keyword = default, reverse, blink, underline, bold, dim


BELL                                                             tsl_bell( )


CLS                                                                tsl_cls( )


CURSOR keyword                                     tsl_cursor( str )

keyword = wait, arrow


DISPLAY [expr [,expr]...]                            tsl_display( expr1 )


INIDELSTR svar, svar                               tsl_inidelstr( str, str )


INIENUMSECT dvar, filename, svar          tsl_inienumsect( str, file, str )


INIGETFF dvar, filename, svar, ivar           tsl_inigetstr( str, file, str, n )


INISETFF dvar, filename, svar, ivar           tsl_inisetstr( str, file, str, n )


INISETFILE filename                                 tsl_inisetfile( str )


INISETSTR svar, svar, svar                     tsl_inisetstr( str, str, str )


INISYNC filename, ivar                                tsl_inisync( file, n )


MSGBOX svar[,svar[,ivar]]                       tsl_msgbox( str1, str2, n )


MENU ivar OPEN svar [ivar, ivar, [ivar, ivar] ,ivar]

          [PARENT ivar] [HINT svar]

                                                                        tsl_menu_open( nid, npid, strtitle,

                                                                           strhint, ny, nx, nfg, nbg, flags )


MENU ivar ENTRY svar [EXECUTE svar] [ID ivar]

          [HINT svar] [svar [EXECUTE...]]..

                                                                        tsl_menu_entry( pid, itemid, strentry1,

                                                                           strhint, strex )


MENU ivar SHOW keyword                        tsl_menu_show( nid, str )

keyword = menubar, lotus, popup


MENU ivar STATUS ivar, ivar                    tsl_menu_status( nid, nitemid, nflags )


MENU ivar keyword                                      tsl_menu_close( str )

keyword = close, off, restore


OBJSETFONT ivar, ivar,  svar, ivar [,ivar]

                                                                        tsl_objsetfont( n, n, str, n,  n )


OBJPAINT ivar [,ivar]                                   tsl_objpaint( n, n )


OBJADDLIST ivar, ivar, svar                      tsl_objaddlist( n, n, str )


PASTE keyword                                         tsl_paste( str )

keyword = link, text


PAUSE eolstring                                         tsl_pause( str )


QUIT ilit                                                          tsl_quit( n )


REDRAW                                                      tsl_redraw( )


SCREEN keyword                                        tsl_screen( str )

keyword = copy, print, noselect


SETCAPTURE ivar, ivar                             tsl_setcapture( n, n )


STDFILE var [,svar [,filename [,svar [,svar [,ivar]]]]]

                                                                        var = tsl_stdfile( str, file, str, str, n )


STDSAVE var [,svar [,filename [,svar [,svar]]]]

                                                                        var = tsl_stdsave( str, file, str, str, n )


WCLOSE ivar [,ivar]...                                  tsl_wclose( n1 )


WHIDE ivar [,ivar]...                                      tsl_whide( n1 )


WMOVE ivar, ivar, ivar[, ivar]                      tsl_wmove( n, ny, nx, n )


WOPEN ivar, ivar, ivar, ivar, ivar[, ivar, ivar[, ivar[, svar[, svar]]]

                                                                        tsl_wopen( n, ny,nx, nh,nw, nfg,nbg,

                                                                           nstyle, strtitle, strlable )


DLGOPEN ivar, ivar, ivar, ivar, ivar[, ivar, ivar[, ivar[, svar[, svar]]]

                                                                        tsl_dlgopen( n, ny,nx, nh,nw, nfg,nbg,

                                                                           nstyle, strtitle,strlable )


WSELECT ivar                                             tsl_wselect( n )


WSHOW ivar[,ivar]...                                    tsl_wshow( n1 )


WTITLE ivar, svar                                         tsl_wtitle( n, str )



3.4 File Transfer Commands


GET filelist filename                                   tsl_get( str )

filelist may be appended by (q) or (x)

filename may be appended by (c), (f), (t), or (z)


RCV filename                                               tsl_rcv( str )

filename may be appended by (c), (i), (s), (t), or (z)


REMOTE eolstring                                     tsl_remote( str )

Note: only works with the QUIT command.


SEND filelist                                                 tsl_send( str )

filelist may be appended by (c), (i), (s), (t), or (z)


SERVER                                                        tsl_server( )


TIME filelist                                                    tsl_time( file )


XFER filelist filename                                tsl_xfer( str )

filelist may be appended by (q) or (x)

filename may be appended by (c), (f), (t), or (z)



3.4 General Commands


ABORT [ilit]                                                    tsl_abort( n )


ADDPMENTRY svar, svar, svar, svar, svar, ivar

                                                                        tsl_addpmentry( str, str, str, str, str, n )


ANSWER keyword                                       tsl_answer( str )

keyword = off, now, wait, auto


BATCH [filename]                                        < no translation >


BREAK                                                          tsl_break( )


CONFIG GET [ivar]                                       tsl_config_get( n )


CONFIG NEW                                               tsl_config_new( )


CONFIG SET                                                tsl_config_set( )


CONFIG READ filename                            tsl_config_read( file )


CONFIG WRITE filename                           tsl_config_write( file )


CONFIG SYSREAD filename                     tsl_config_sysread( file )


CONFIG SYSWRITE filename                    tsl_config_syswrite( file )


CONNECT [filename]                                 tsl_connect( file)


COPY filename filename                           tsl_copy( file,file )  



CREAD var [,ivar [,ivar [,ivar]]]                    var = tsl_cread( ntim, nchrs, n )



CREADINT var [,ivar [,ivar [,ivar]]]              var = tsl_creadint( ntim, nchrs, n )


DDE ADVISE ivar, svar, var                       var = tsl_dde_advise( n, str )


DDE CLOSE ivar                                         tsl_dde_close( n )


DDE EXECUTE ivar, svar                          tsl_dde_execute( n, str )


DDE INIT ivar, svar, svar                             tsl_dde_init( n, str, str )


DDE POKE ivar, svar, svar                         tsl_dde_poke( n, str, str )


DDE REQUEST ivar, svar, var                   var = tsl_dde_request( n, str )


DDE UNADVISE ivar, svar                         tsl_dde_unadvise( n, str )


DIALOG svar                                                tsl_dialog( str )


DWAIT keyword [,ivar]                                  tsl_dwait_carrier( str,n )

keyword = carrier, nocarrier


DWAIT svar [, ivar]                                      tsl_dwait( str, n )


DWAIT ivar [, ivar]                                       tsl_dwait( n, n )


EXMIT svar                                                    tsl_exmit( str )


FLUSH                                                           tsl_flush( )


GETPMLIST dvar                                         tsl_getpmlist( dvar )


HANGUP                                                       tsl_hangup( )


HELP [word]                                                tsl_help( str )


IGNORE keyword [svar] [keyword [svar]]...

                                                                        tsl_ignore( str, str )

keyword = input, output


RESET                                                           tsl_ignore_reset( )


INTER                                                             tsl_inter( )


LEARN START filename                             tsl_learn_start( file )


LEARN STOP                                               tsl_learn_stop( )


LEARN PAUSE                                            tsl_learn_pause( )


LEARN CONTINUE                                      tsl_learn_continue( )


MAPKEY ivar, svar                                       tsl_mapkey( n, str )


READ [svar,] var                                         var = tsl_read( str )


READINT [svar,] var                                   var = tsl_readint( str )


READN [svar,] var                                      var = tsl_readn( str )


SESSION GOTO ivar [,ivar]                        tsl_session_goto( n, n )


SESSION NEW [ivar]                                   tsl_session_new( n )


SESSION NEXT [ivar]                                  tsl_session_next( n )


SESSION DISCONNECT                            tsl_session_disconnect( )


SETCAP svar, svar                                      tsl_setcap( str, str )


SETCOLOR ivar, ivar                                  tsl_setcolor( n, n )


SETDELAY ilit                                             tsl_setdelay( n )


SETSYM ivar, svar [,ivar]                             tsl_setsym( n, n, n )


TERMINAL NOCARRIER                            tsl_terminal_nocarrier( )


TERMINAL [svar][, keyname]                      tsl_terminal( svar, n )


TYPE filename                                              tsl_type( file )

filename may be appended by (b)


VERSION                                                       tsl_version( )


WAIT keyword [,ivar]                                     tsl_wait_carrier( str,n )

keyword = carrier, nocarrier


WAIT svar [, ivar]                                         tsl_wait( str, n )


WAIT ivar [, ivar]                                          tsl_wait( n, n )


XMIT svar                                                     tsl_xmit( str )



3.5 Operating System Lever Commands


CD filename                                                 tsl_cd( file )


CHOWN slit filename                                  tsl_chown( str, file )


CHTYPE slit filename                                  tsl_chtype( str, file )


ERASE filename                                         tsl_erase( file )


EDIT eolstring                                               tsl_edit( file )


MKDIR filename                                          tsl_mkdir( file )


RENAME filename filename                     tsl_rename( file, file )


RMDIR filename                                          tsl_rmdir( file )


RUN eolstring                                              tsl_run( str, 0 )


RUNX eolstring                                             tsl_run( str, 1 )



3.6 File I/O Commands


FCLOSE ivar                                                tsl_fclose( n )


FCREATE ivar, svar                                   tsl_fcreate( n, str )


FFLUSH ivar                                                tsl_fflush( n )


FOPEN ivar, svar[, svar]                           tsl_fopen( n,str, str )


FREAD ivar, var [,ivar]                               tsl_fread( n, nchrs )


FREADLN ivar, var [,ivar]                         tsl_freadln( n, nchrs )


FSEEK ivar, ivar[, ivar]                              tsl_fseek( n, n, n )


FWRITE ivar, svar [,ivar]                           tsl_fwrite( n, str, nchrs )


FWRITELN ivar, svar [,ivar]                      tsl_fwriteln( n, str, nchrs )


LOG svar                                                      tsl_log( str )



3.7 Miscellaenous Commands


DIMSTR  var ivar                                         var = tsl_dimstr( n )


DIMINT var ivar                                           var = tsl_dimint( n )


DIMLOG var ivar                                         var = tsl_dimlog( n )


MEMLIST [word]                                            tsl_memlist( str )


RELEASE var [,var]...                                  tsl_release( var1 )


RELEASE *                                                   tsl_release( "*" )


SETVAR var expr                                       var = expr


SETVAR var _1                                           var = tsl_strarg(1)


SETVAR var $1                                            var = tsl_macroarg(1)


SETVAR $1 expr                                          tsl_setvar( tsl_strarg(1), expr)


SETVAR var _kermiteol                              var = tsi_kermiteol()


SETVAR _kermiteol expr                            tsl_setvar( "_kermiteol", expr)


SETVAR _baud expr                                   ERROR


SETVAR _1 expr                                          ERROR



3.8 Control and Flow Commands


COMMENT eolstring                                  // str


! eolstring                                                      // str


* eolstring                                                     // str


DO procstring [arg] [arg]...                         tsl_do( filename_proc( arg, arg,... ))


EXECUTE svar                                             < no translation >


FOR svar IN (filelist) DO                            tsl_forinit( "filelist" )

                                                                        while ( ( svar = tsl_fornext( ) ) != "") {


ENDFOR                                                       }


IF expr                                                           if ( expr ) {


ELSEIF expr                                                 } else if ( expr ) {


ELSE                                                             } else {


ENDIF                                                            }


IFERROR eolstring                                    tsl_noerror( )


                                                                        if ( tsi_errno( ) ) {                            


NOERROR eolstring                                  tsl_noerror( str )



ON DELAY ilit                                               file_on_delay( ) {


ON CLOSE str                                              file_on_close( str) {


ON KEY keyname                                        file_on_key_n( ) {


ON error                                                         file_on_error( ) {


ON abort                                                        file_on_abort( ) {


ON carrier                                                      file_on_carrier( ) {


ON nocarrier                                                  file_on_nocarrier( ) {


ENDON                                                          return( tsl_endon( 3) )


ONCLOSE procname                                  file_onclose( str )


ONDISCONNECT procname                     file_ondisconnect( str )


PROC procname                                         file_procname( ) {


ENDPROC                                                    return(tsl_return( 0 )


REPEAT                                                        do {


UNTIL expr                                                   } while ( ~expr )


RETURN [ilit]                                               return( tsl_return( n ) )


SWITCH                                                        if ( 0) {


CASE expr                                                    } else if  ( expr ) {


DEFAULT                                                     } else {


ENDSWITCH                                               }                                              



3.9 Previous Version Retrofitted Commands


ADDCR keyword                                          tsl_addcr( str )


ADDLF keyword                                           tsl_addlf( str )

keyword = on, off


BREAK keyword                                           tsl_break( str )

keyword = on, off


CALL word                                                   tsl_call( str )


INIT svar [,ivar]                                               tsl_init( str, n )


LCHRDY ilit                                                   tsl_lchrdy( n )


LOWAIT ilit                                                    tsl_lowait( n )


LSEND filename                                          tsl_send( str )


MINITEL ivar, ivar, ivar, ivar                        tsl_minitel( n, n, n, n )


PARTOPEN svar                                          tsl_partopen( str )


SETKEY keyname keyword                        tsl_setkey_cmd( n, str )

keyword = login, logout, cmd, newsess, gotosess, discsess


SET REVMAP keyword                               tsl_set_revmap( str )


SET SCROLLBAR keyword                        tsl_set_scrollbar( str )

keyword = off, on


TERMTYPE svar                                           tsl_termtype( str )


USEND filename                                          tsl_usend( str )


VI filename                                                    tsl_edit( file )


3.10 TERM Script Language Funcitons


menu( ivar, ivar )                                           tsf_menu( n, n )


menustat( ivar )                                             tsf_menustat( n )


inigetstr( svar, svar, svar )                           tsf_inigetstr( str, str, str )


termbits( )                                                       tsf_termbits( )


termkey( ivar )                                               tsf_termkey( n )


sysvar( ivar )                                                  tsf_sysvar( n )


iscopy( )                                                         tsf_iscopy( )


ispaste( ivar )                                                tsf_ispaste( n )


hascolor( )                                                      tsf_hascolor( )


keyin( )                                                            tsf_keyin( )


mdmstat( )                                                      tsf_mdmstat( )


chrdy( )                                                           tsf_chrdy( )


chrin( )                                                            tsf_chrin( )


comin( )                                                          tsf_comin( )


comst( )                                                          tsf_comst( )


isconnect( )                                                    tsf_isconnect( )


filedate( svar )                                              tsf_filedate( str )


filemode( svar )                                           tsf_filemode( str )


filesize( svar )                                              tsf_filesize( str )


opsys( )                                                          tsf_opsys( )


opsys2( svar )                                                tsf_opsys2( str )


getenv( svar )                                                 tsf_getenv( str )


getexe( svar )                                                tsf_getexe( str )


gethomedir( )                                                 tsf_gethomedir( )


getpath( svar, svar )                                   tsf_getpath( str, str )


getuserdir( )                                                 tsf_getuserdir( )


uniq( svar )                                                     tsf_uniq( str )


exists( svar )                                                tsf_exists( str )


isdir( svar )                                                   tsf_isdir( str )


ftell( ivar )                                                      tsf_ftell( str )


feof( ivar )                                                     tsf_feof( n )


asc( svar )                                                     tsf_asc( str )


keyid( svar )                                                   tsf_keyid( str )


len( svar )                                                      tsf_len( tr )


pos( svar, svar, ivar )                                 tsf_pos( str, str, n )


val( svar )                                                      tsf_val( str )


sum( svar, ivar, ivar )                                 tsf_sum( str, n, n )


chname( ivar, ivar )                                    tsf_chname( n, n )


chr( ivar )                                                      tsf_chr( n )


encrypt( svar )                                             tsf_encrypt( str )


fconcat( svar, svar, svar )                         tsf_fconcat( str, str, str )


fext( svar )                                                    tsf_fext( str )


fhead( svar )                                                 tsf_fhead( str )


field( svar, ivar, svar )                                tsf_field( str, n, str )


fname( svar )                                                tsf_fname( str )


keyname( ivar )                                             tsf_keyname( n )


getkey( int )                                                    tsf_getkey( int )


left( svar, ivar )                                             tsf_left( str, n )


midstr( svar, ivar, ivar )                             tsf_midstr( str, n, n )


right( svar, ivar )                                          tsf_right( str, n )


str( ivar )                                                        tsf_str( n )


strconv( svar, ivar )                                       tsf_strconv( str, n )


strhex( ivar, ivar )                                        tsf_strhex( n, n )


tolower( svar )                                             tsf_tolower( str )


toupper(svar )                                             tsf_toupper( str )


trim( svar )                                                    tsf_trim( str )


atod( svar )                                                   tsf_atod( str )


time( )                                                             tsf_time( )


cdate( ivar )                                                  tsf_cdate( n )


ctime( ivar )                                                  tsf_ctime( n )